
Required: Check if the field is required to submit the form. If a field is required but
contains no data, a message will be shown to the user.
Minimum and maximum length: Enter a numerical value for the minimum and
maximum character length required for this field.
Equal to: Use the drop-down to select another field that is already added to the
same Form. The contents of both fields must match for the data to be validated. This
is useful for confirmation fields such as for passwords, email addresses etc.
Under Warnings, type the message that will be displayed to the user if the input is not
When adding an element to a Form or Fieldset, you cannot specify a name; the ID will be copied
to the element's name attribute. After adding the element to the Form or Fieldset you can change
the name on the Attributes pane. The name attribute of Form elements is sent to the server after
the form has been submitted.
Specifying a default value
Attribute a default value to a Text, Textarea and other Form elements by dragging a field from
the Data Model pane directly onto the field, once it has been created. This also works when
dragging a field from a detail table in a record set into a Form element that is contained within a
Dynamic Table.
Note that the default value doesn't disappear when the user clicks the field, as placeholders do.
To insert a placeholder in a field, type a label and choose Use label as placeholder as its style
when adding the element to the form; see "Forms" on page 269.
Changing the validation
To change the validation of a Form element, right-click the element and choose Validation
settings. Now you can change the Form's validation method and set the requirements per field;
see "Changing a Form's validation method" on page 272.
Hyperlink and mailto link
Links can be added to any template but they only work in electronic output (web pages, email
and PDF files). They can be a regular hyperlink pointing to a web page or a mailto link that will
open the default email client when clicked.
HTML element: a
When you add elements, such as text, images or a table, to the content of a template, you are
actually constructing an HTML file. It is possible to edit the source of the HTML file directly in
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