
When you add a COTG element to a template that you didn't start with a COTG template wizard,
the Designer will automatically add the jQuery library and the JavaScript file cotg.js, so that the
element works well. The Foundation style sheets will not be added. You only get those when you
start creating a COTG template with a template wizard.
How to make COTG elements required
To make a COTG element required, or to change the validation of a COTG Form, right-click the
element and choose Validation settings. Now you can change the Form's validation method
and set the requirements and a message per field. For an explanation of the settings, see
"Changing a Form's validation method" on page 272.
Testing a COTG template
For information about testing a COTG template, see this how-to: Testing a COTG template, and
Send COTG Test.
Using JavaScript
JavaScript files, libraries and frameworks can be added to a template, to add widgets and other
functionality to your Capture OnTheGo Forms; see "Using JavaScript" on page 450.
How to use COTG data in a template
When a user submits a Capture OnTheGo Form, the data are received by a Workflow HTTP
Server Input task that receives and handles the submitted data. Even when no other tasks are
present in that Workflow configuration, Workflow will output an XML file that contains the
submitted data, in a location specified for the Send To Folder plugin in Workflow.
To be able to use that data in a template, you have to create a Data Mapping Configuration that
extracts the data from the resulting XML file. Next, you can create a Designer template that uses
this Data Mapping Configuration. Strings, base64-encoded strings and SVG data stored in data
fields using the DataMapper can be used in a Designer template as they are.
Capture OnTheGo (COTG) templates
With the Designer you can create Capture OnTheGo templates. COTG templates are used to
generate forms for the Capture OnTheGo mobile application. For more information about this
application, see the website: Capture OnTheGo.
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