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The following topics explain in detail the different panes of the DataMapper Interface.
Data Model Pane
The Data Model Pane displays the Extracted Record, all its fields as well as any detail tables
present in the Extracted Record. The information shown is the extracted information for the
current record within the Record Set. It is also used as a navigation tool between records and
all tables.
Data is displayed as a tree view, with the root level being the Record table, levels below it
being detail tables, and any level below being called Nested Tables.
Adding Data
Beyond the methods for adding data described in the Steps Pane and the Data Viewer, there is
a specific way to add an Extract step directly into the Data Model pane, which is drag & drop:
Dragging a data selection (text and PDF) or a field (CSV, XML and Database) into the Data
Model pane will automatically add the appropriate extraction method into a specific location.
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