
Internal Name Description
Data Record
Entity Service
DataRecordEntityRestService Exposes methods specific to the Data
Record entity type including accessor
methods for data records and the value
& property values for a specific data
Data Set
Entity Service
DataSetEntityRestService Exposes methods specific to the Data
Set entity type including property value
accessor methods, methods to access
all data sets and delete specific data
sets, and a method to access the data
record IDs contained within a specific
data set.
Data Mapping
DataminingRestService Exposes methods for the manual
creation, monitoring & cancellation of
data mapping operations within the
workflow, including a method for
accessing the result of a successful
operation. Also exposes methods for
basic data mapping pass-throughs
specific to PDF VT data files.
EmailExportRestService Exposes methods for the manual
creation, monitoring & cancellation of
new email context based content
creation operations within the workflow,
including a method for accessing the
result of a successful operation.
File Store
FilestoreRestService Exposes methods specific to file store
operations in PlanetPress Connect
including the upload of data files, data
mapping configurations, design
templates, job creation presets & output
creation presets. Also includes generic
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