
Table Of Contents
Trigger: Defines the type of rule that defines when a boundary is created, establishing a
new record in the Data Sample (called a Source Record).
On page: Defines a boundary on a static number of pages.
Number of pages: Defines how many pages are in each Source Record.
On text: Defines a boundary on a specific text comparison in the Source Record.
Start coordinates (x,y): Defines the left and top coordinates of the data
selection to compare with the text value.
Stop coordinates (x,y): Defines the right and bottom coordinates.
Use Selection: Select an area in the Data Viewer and click the Use selection
button to set the start and stop coordinates to the current data selection in the
Source Record.
In a PDF file, all coordinates are in millimeters.
Times condition found: When the boundaries are based on the presence of
specific text, you can specify after how many instances of this text the
boundary can be effectively defined. For example, if a string is always found
on the first and on the last page of a document, you could specify a number of
occurrences of 2. In this way, no need to inspect other items for whether it is
on the first page or the last page. you know you have found the string two
times, which is enough to fix the boundary.
Pages before/after: Defines the boundary a certain number of pages before
or after the current page. This is useful if the text triggering the document is not
located on the first page of each Source Record.
Operator: Selects the type of comparison (for example, "contains").
Word to find: Compares the text value with the value in the Source Record.
Match case: Makes the text comparison case-sensitive.
For a Text File
For a Text file, the natural delimiter is also a Page, but contrary to PDF, the Page delimiter can
either be explicit (say, when a Form Feed character is encountered in the Data Source) or
implicit (when a certain number of lines has been reached, usually around 66). Once more, the
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