
Table Of Contents
l English
l French
l German
l Spanish
l Italian
l Portuguese
l Chinese (Simplified)
l Chinese (Traditional)
l Japanese.
The default language is English.
The PlanetPress Connect help system (this document) is currently only available in
l Issues can sometimes be encountered in menus and templates when running
PlanetPress Connect on a non-English operating system. These are due to
encoding issues and will be addressed in a later release.
Performance Considerations
This page is a comprehensive guide to getting the most performance out of PlanetPress
Connect as well as a rough guideline to indicate when it's best to upgrade.
Performance Analysis Details
In order to get the most out of PlanetPress Connect, it is important to determine how best to
maximize performance. The following guidelines will be helpful in extracting the best
performance from PlanetPress Connect before looking into hardware upgrades or extra
PlanetPress Connect performance packs.
Job Sizes and Speed: In terms of pure output speed, it's important to first determine what
job size is expected, and adjust Scheduling Preferences accordingly. The basic rules are:
l If processing a small number of very large records (when each individual record is
composed of a large number of pages), more instances with an equal amount of
speed units is better. For hardware, RAM and Hard Drive speeds are most
important, since the smallest divisible part (the record) cannot be split on multiple
machines or even cores.
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