
Table Of Contents
After creating a template you can add the other contexts (see "Contexts" on page278), as well
as extra sections (see "Sections" on page280), to the template.
It is, however, not possible to use a Template Wizard when adding a context or section to an
existing template.
If an Email context is going to be part of the template, it is recommended to start with an
Email Template Wizard; see "Creating an Email template with a Wizard" on page320.
After creating a template, contexts can be added to it, but that can not be done with a
Saving a template
A Designer template file has the extension .OL-template. It is a zip file that includes up to 3
contexts, all the related resources and scripts, and (optionally) a link to a Data Mapping
To save a template for the first time, select File > Save as. After that you can save the template
by selecting File > Save or pressing Ctrl+S.
When more than one resource (template or data mapping configuration) is open and the
Designer software is closed, the Save Resources dialog appears. This dialog displays a list of
all open resources with their names and file location. Selected resources will be saved,
deselected resources will have all their changes since they were last saved dismissed.
Auto Save
After a template has been saved for the first time, Connect Designer can auto save the
template with a regular interval. To configure Auto Save:
Select the menu option Window > Preferences > Save.
Under Auto save, check the option Enable to activate the Auto Save function.
3. Change how often it saves the template by typing a number of minutes.
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