
Table Of Contents
The Connect installer puts all required files, folders, registry entries and much more to their
correct places and locations. As many of these locations are protected against malicious
accesses, that very user under whose context the Connect installation is started and running,
needs very extensive rights on the respective computer. This user must belong to the Local
Administrators group on that machine. Here are some required capabilities, this user:
l Must be able to write into the "Programs" folder.
l Must be allowed to check for existing certificates and must also be allowed to install new
ones into the global certificate store on that machine.
l Must be able to write into HKLM and any subtree of it in the registry.
l Must be able to INSTALL, START and RUN services and also to MODIFY service
l Must be known in the network the machine belongs to and must also need to be able to
use shared network resources like shared drives and/or printers etc.
This list may not be complete, but it gives the extent of the requirements. Generally, the local
administrator of the machine will have all these credentials, but there may exist network
restrictions and policies, which will block one or more of these capabilities. In such cases, the
respective network administrator should provide a valid user account for the installation.
User Account
The user account shall be used to later RUN one of the Connect Server flavors (Server or
Server Extension). This dedicated user account has to be entered on the respective installer
dialog page and must be allowed to START, STOP and RUN services on this machine. This is
different from the credentials of the installation user account, which additionally requires the
right to INSTALL services. Please be aware of this fact!
Additionally, the Server user must be able to access any network resources that are required for
OL Connect to function properly. This includes e.g. additional drives, printers, scanners, other
computers and, where appropriate, internet resources, URLs, mail servers, FTP servers,
database servers and everything else planned to be used for the intended operation of
Connect. The Server user is the run-time user.
Connect Components
Usually, a standard end user will only be facing Connect Designer and maybe the License
Activation Tool. Designer this does not require administrator rights. Either everything required
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