
Table Of Contents
For example:"Th1sIs@K"
When updating from an earlier Connect version, the appropriate MySQL password
must be entered or the update will fail.
If the password is subsequently forgotten, then the MySQL product must be
uninstalled and its database deleted from disk before attempting to reinstall.
Confirm 'root' Password: Re-enter to confirm the password. Both passwords must
match for installation to continue.
TCP/IP Port Number: The port on which MySQL will expect, and respond to, requests. A
check is run to confirm whether the specified TCP\IP Port Number is available on the
local machine. If it is already being used by another service (generally, an existing
MySQL installation), the number is highlighted in red and a warning message is
displayed at the top of the dialog.
The MySQL Product controlled by the OLConnect_MySQL service communicates
through port 3306 by default.
Allow MySQL Server to accept non-local TCP connections: Click to enable external
access to the MySQL server.
This option is required if MySQL Server will need to be accessed from any other
It is also required if the MySQL database is on a separate machine to PlanetPress
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