
Table Of Contents
The Preferences dialog is separated into individual pages, where each page controls certain
aspects of the software.
The following Preferences pages are available:
l "Cleanup Service preferences" on page588
l "Server Extension Scheduling Preferences" on page58 (these are different in the Server
Extension preferences)
l Merge Engine Scheduling
l Weaver Engine Scheduling
l "Server Security Settings" on the previous page
Server Clustering
Server Clustering, available in PlanetPress Connect, enhances the processing capabilities of
PlanetPress Connect Server by load-balancing jobs between the main Server module (master)
and one or more Server Extension installations.
Setting up Server Clustering requires two or more installations of PlanetPress Connect on
separate machines. The Master server is setup by installing the PlanetPress Connect Server
module during the Installation Wizard, while the Slave Server is setup by installing the
PlanetPress Connect Server Extension module instead.
Quick Howto
1. Install the Master server (PlanetPress Connect Server module), making sure to select the
MySQL module.
2. Set the appropriate bindings in MySQL's my.ini file on the Master server.
3. Grant access to the MySQL root user for the appropriate IP range on the Master server.
4. Restart the MySQL Service on the Master server.
5. Install Slave servers (PlanetPress Connect Server Extension module).
6. Install the license on the Master server (a Performance Pack license is required).
7. Set the preferences for the engines (see Scheduling Preferences) on both the Master and
8. Install the license on the Slave servers
9. Restart the Master server then, once restarted, restart the Slave servers.
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