
Table Of Contents
Once selected, a request containing the credentials will be sent to the server and the result will
be returned and displayed to the Results area.
If authentication was successful then the response will contain an Authorization Token that
can be then used in the submission of future requests to the server.
Firstly, we define an event handler that will run in response to the submission of the HTML form
via the selection of the Submit button.
When our event hander function is called, we then obtain the value of the Username and
Password fields. We define two variables, username to hold the value of the Username text
field and password to hold the value of the Password text field.
Next we construct an jQuery AJAX request which will be sent to the Authentication REST
Method type and url arguments are specified as shown earlier.
We specify a beforeSend argument containing a function that will add an additional
Authorization header to the request to facilitate Basic HTTP Authentication. The value of
the Authorization request header is a Base64 digest of the username and password
When the request is successful or done, a request response is received and the content of that
response is passed as the function parameter response. In the example, we then display the
value of this parameter which should be the new Authorization Token which can then be used
in the submission of future requests to the server.
This is achieved by placing the value of the Authorization Token in the auth_token request
header of a future request. In the example the common function setSessionToken is used to
facilitate this function for all future working example requests.
Further Reading
See the Authentication Service page of the REST API Reference section for further detail.
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