
Table Of Contents
template and any print presets have to be sent to Workflow; see "Sending files to Workflow" on
AFP input requires the CDP library. The library licence allows PlanetPress Connect to run up to 4
instances of that library on a given machine at a given time.
Creating a new data mapping configuration
A new data mapping configuration can be made with or without a wizard. When you open a
data file with a DataMapper wizard, the wizard automatically detects a number of settings. You
can adjust these settings. Next, the wizard automatically extracts as many data fields (or
metadata, in case of a PDF/VT or AFP file) as it can, in one extraction step.
Without a wizard you have to make the settings yourself, and configure the extraction workflow
The DataMapper doesn’t use the data source directly, rather it uses a copy of that data: a data
sample. Although the data sample is a copy, it is updated each time the data mapping
configuration is opened or whenever the data sample is selected.
More samples can be added via the Settings pane; see "Data samples" on page211.
From a file
To start creating a data mapping configuration without a wizard, first select the data file. There
are two ways to do that: from the Welcome screen and from the File menu.
l From the Welcome screen
Click Create a New Configuration.
From the From a file pane and select a file type (Comma Separated Values or
Excel (CSV/XLSX/XLS), MS-Access, PDF/VT, Text or XML).
Click the Browse button and open the file you want to work with (for a database,
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