
Table Of Contents
Saving a data mapping configuration
A Data Mapping Configuration file has the extension .OL-datamapper. The file contains the
settings, the extraction workflow ('Steps'), the Data Model and the imported Data Samples
(excluding database source files such as mySQL, oracle, etc).
To save a data mapping configuration:
In the Menus, click on File > Save, or click on Save As to save a copy of a data mapping
configuration under a different name.
In the Toolbars, click the Save button.
If the data mapping configuration has not been saved before, you have to browse to the location
where the data mapping configuration should be saved and type a name, then click Save.
Using the wizard for CSV and Excel files
The DataMapper wizard for CSV and Excel files helps you create a data mapping configuration
for such files. The wizard automatically detects delimiters and extracts all data in one extraction
The wizard interprets each line in the file as a record. If your data file contains transactional
data, you will probably want more lines to go in one record and put the transactional data in
detail tables.
The wizard cannot create detail tables. If the file contains transactional data, the data mapping
configuration is best created without a wizard (see "Creating a new data mapping
configuration" on page102).
There are two ways to open a CSV file or Excel file with a wizard: from the Welcome screen or
from the File menu.
From the Welcome screen
Open the PlanetPress Connect Welcome page by clicking the icon at the top
right, or select the Help menu and then Welcome.
Click Create a New Configuration.
From the Using a wizard pane, select CSV/XLSX/XLS.
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