
Table Of Contents
button pressed down while clicking on nodes to select or deselect them, or keep the Shift
button pressed down to select consecutive nodes.
You can select multiple fields even if those fields are in different nodes.
The Goto step isn't used in XML extraction workflows The DataMapper moves through the file
using Xpath, a path-like syntax to identify and navigate nodes in an XML document.
Extracting transactional data
Promotional data are data about customers, such as addresses, names and phone numbers.
In Connect, each record in the extracted record set represents one recipient. The number of
fields that contain promotional data is the same in each record. These data are stored on the
root level of the extracted record.
Transactional data, on the other hand, are used in communications about transactions
between a company and their customers or suppliers: invoices, statements, and purchase
orders, for example. Naturally these data differ per customer. They are stored in detail tables in
the extracted record. The number of fields in a detail table can vary from record to record.
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