
Table Of Contents
Adding fields
Location-based field
Generally location-based fields are added to a Data Model by extracting data; see "Extracting
data" on page118. Location-based fields in detail tables are created by extracting
transactional data; see "Extracting transactional data" on page124.
Alternatively, you can add fields and detail tables directly in the Data Model pane. Right-click
anywhere on the Data Model and a contextual menu will appear. Which menu items are
available depends on where you've clicked. If you right-click inside the record itself, you can
add a field or a detail table. A field will be added at the end with no extraction, while a detail
table will be added with no fields inside.
After adding a field or detail table this way, you can drag & drop data into it. Without data it is
not accessible via the Step properties pane.
JavaScript-based field
JavaScript-based fields are filled by a script: the script provides a value. Note that the last value
attribution to a variable is the one used as the result of the expression.
There is a number of ways to add a Javascript based field.
Via the Steps pane
Make sure there is no data selection in the Data Viewer.
Right-click on an Extract step on the Steps pane and select Add a Step > Add Extract
Field. (To add a new Extract step, select Add a Step > Add Extraction first.)
On the Step properties pane, under Field Definition, enter the script in the Expression
Via the Step properties pane
1. Select an Extract step on the Steps pane. (To add a new, empty Extract step, right-click
the Steps pane and select Add a Step > Add Extraction.)
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