
Table Of Contents
Moving a step
To rearrange steps, simply drag & drop them somewhere else on the dotted line in the Steps
Alternatively you can right-click on a step and select Cut Step or use the Cut button in the
Toolbar. If the step is Repeat or Condition, all steps under it will also be placed in the
clipboard. To place the step at its destination, right-click the step in the position before the
desired location and click Paste Step, or use the Paste button in the toolbar.
Viewing step details
Hovering over the task shows a tooltip that displays some of the details of that step. To see all
details for a step, click on the step and take a look at the Step properties pane ("Step properties
pane" on the next page.
Clicking on any Extract step in the Steps pane highlights any area in the Data Viewer from
which it extracts data.
You can also click on the Preprocessor step to select all the steps in the workflow to show a
complete map of all the extracted data.
Window controls
The following controls appear at the top of the Steps pane:
Zoom In (CTRL +) : Click to zoom in by increments of 10%
Zoom Out (CTRL -) : Click to zoom out by increments of 10%
Contextual menu
You can access thecontextual menu using a right-click anywhere inside the Steps pane.
Add a Step: Adds a step to the process. More options are available when a Repeat or a
Condition step is selected:
Add Step in Repeat: Adds a step to a Repeat loop.
Add Step in True: Adds a step to the True branch of a condition step.
Add Step in False: Adds a step under the False branch of a condition step.
Add Multiple Conditions Step: Adds a Multiple Conditions step.
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