
Table Of Contents
Use regular expression: Check so that the Expression box is treated as a
regular expression instead of static text. For more information on using
Regular Expressions (regex), see the Regular-Expressions.info Tutorial.
CSV File
From (CSV files): Defines where the jump begins:
Current Position: The Goto begins at the current cursor position.
Move by: Enter the number of lines or pages to jump.
Top of record: The Gotobegins at line 1 of the source record.
Move to: Enter the number of lines or pages to jump.
XML File
Destination (XML files): Defines what type of jump to make:
Sibling element: Jumps the number of siblings (nodes at the same level) defined in
the Move byoption.
Sibling element with same name: Jumps the number of same name siblings
(nodes at the same level of which the node is the same name) defined in the Move
Element, from top of record: Jumps to the specified node. The XPATH in the
Absolute XPATHoption starts from the root node defined by /.
Element from current position: Jumps to a position relative to the current position
of the cursor. The XPATH in the Relative XPATHoption defines where to go,../goes
up a level,./refers to the current level.
Level Up/Down: Jumps up or down one node level (up to the parent, down to a
child). The number of levels to change is defined in the Move byoption.
Postprocessor step properties
The Postprocessor step does not run for every Source Record in the Data Sample. It runs once,
at the end of the Steps, after all records have been processed. For more information see
"Postprocessor step" on page150.
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