
Table Of Contents
l A style sheet, named context_web_styles.css, is added to the template. If a Template
Wizard was used to create the template, Foundation style sheets are added as well. Style
sheets are located in the folder Stylesheets on the Resources pane. These style sheets
are meant to be used for styles that are only applied to elements in the Web context; see
"Styling and formatting" on page551.
Generating Web output
When the template is ready, you can:
l Output the web page as an as an integral HTML file attached to an Email context in the
same template.
l Output the Web context in an automated Workflow using the Create Web Content task
(see Workflow Help: Create Web Content).
See "Generating Web output" on page981.
The Web context outputs one HTML web page that contains the HTML text and all the
resources necessary to display it. JavaScript files are added to the <head> in the generated
HTML file. They are useful to add special features such as those offered by jQuery and its
plugins, or MooTools. Style sheets are also added to the <head> and are used just as they
would be used in a regular web page.
Which style sheets and JavaScript files are included, and in which order, can be decided for the
Web context as a whole, as well as per Web section.
To make this setting for the Web context as a whole, right-click the context on the Resources
pane and select Includes. Alternatively, select Context > Includes on the main menu. (Note
that this option is only available when editing a Web section in the Workspace.) For further
explanation see: "Includes dialog" on page682.
To make this setting for a particular Web section, right-click the section on the Resources pane
and select Includes.
Web pages
Web pages (also called Web sections) are part of the Web context (see "Web Context" on the
previous page) in a template.
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