
Table Of Contents
Selecting an element
When an element is selected, the Attributes pane shows the attributes of that element, and the
Styles pane, next to the Attributes pane, shows which styles are applied to it.
To select an element in the content, you can of course click on it, but this isn't always as easy
as it seems, especially when the element has elements inside it.
Click the Edges button on the toolbar to make borders of elements visible on the Design
tab. The borders will not be visible on the Preview tab.
There are two more ways to select an element in the content:
l Using the Breadcrumbs at the top of the workspace.
Breadcrumbs show the HTML tag of the clicked element, as well as the HTML tags of
'parent elements': elements inside of which the clicked element is located. The clicked
element is at the end of the line.
Elements with classes or IDs show these details next to them, for instance div
#contents > ol.salesitems > li. Click any of the elements in the Breadcrumbs
to select that element.
If an element is selected in the Breadcrumbs and the Backspace key is pressed, that
element is deleted.
Using the Outline pane. You can find this pane next to the Resources pane. It displays a
tree view of the elements in the file. Click an element in the tree view to select it.
Deleting an element
To delete an element, select it - as described above - and press the Delete key.
If the deleted element was targeted by a script, you will be asked if you want to delete the script
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