
Table Of Contents
select Row > Show; see "Adding a row at the bottom or the top of a Dynamic Table" on
l data-breakable: this attribute is added to every copied row (in preview mode or when
creating output), in each of them with a unique ID as its value. This is required by the
pagination routines of Connect to split the table across pages.
l data-column-resize, if present, indicates that the columns may be resized (data-
Personalized URL
Personalized URLs (pURLs) are links that are tailor-made for a specific purpose, generally for
individual clients. They can serve multiple purposes, for instance:
Click Tracking: A unique ID in the link makes it possible to track the source of the click
(for example, a link in an email campaign).
User Tracking: A user-specific ID reveals who clicked the link and at what time.
Landing Pages: Information in the link invokes a unique landing page with specific
products or services.
Personalized User Pages: Using information from a database, a user is served a
completely personalized web page with their name and information tailored to them,
enhancing user response.
Typically, a pURL in a Connect template takes the user to a personalized landing page, for
example, to download an invoice or get access to specific products or services.
In addition to the pURL, to generate a personalized landing page the Connect Server needs a
template with a Web context and a Workflow process with the following tasks:
l A HTTP Server Input task to capture incoming web requests (see Workflow Help: HTTP
Server Input).
l An Execute Data Mapping task to create the record set appropriate for the template (see
Workflow Help: Execute DataMapping Task).
l A Create Web Content task that generates the HTML files (see Workflow Help: Create
Web Content).
Creating a personalized URL
Creating a personalized URL implies writing a script. See "Writing your own scripts" below.
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