
Table Of Contents
Upgrade to the full multi-channel version and expand onto the Web
If you choose to take the optional “multi-channel upgrade, you can start right away to reuse the
content of your existing documents and map it onto responsive documents that can be sent by
email in full HTML glory and/or make them available as native HTML web pages using the
latest CSS/JavaScript features.
IMPORTANT: If you owned them, you must also upgrade your Imaging modules to use the new
PReS version.
Create new documents and integrate them into your workflow at your own pace
You can start benefiting from the innovative technology of the new PlanetPress Connect
Designer right away by designing new documents, or re-doing existing ones at your own pace.
With PlanetPress Connect Print-Only, you can now:
l Use the new Data Mapper to easily map any input data into a clean data model that any
designer person can use
l Easily create documents with tables that spread over multiple print pages, respecting
widow and orphan rules, displaying sub-totals and totals properly
l Have text that wrap around images
Upgrade steps
1. To upgrade to PlanetPress Connect, the first step is to stop your PlanetPress Workflow
services. You can do so from the PlanetPress Workflow configuration tool or from the
Windows Service Management console.
2. Then, using the PlanetPress Connect setup, install the Designer and/or Server on the
appropriate computers. Then, using the PlanetPress Workflow 8 setup, install
PlanetPress Workflow and/or PlanetPress Image on the appropriate computers. (See the
installation and activation document for more details)
3. If you installed PlanetPress Workflow 8 on the same computer where you had
PlanetPress Suite Workflow 6 or 7, you can use the Upgrade Wizard to import your:
l PlanetPress Workflow:
l Processes configuration
l PlanetPress Suite compiled documents
l Service configuration
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