
Table Of Contents
Key combination Function
F2 Rename
Alt + Enter Open Properties dialog
Delete Delete
Data Model pane
You can use the following keys to browse records in the Data Model pane:
l Page Up: next record
l Page Down: previous record
l Home: first record
l End: last record.
The following menu items are shown in the Designer menu. For a list of keyboard shortcuts,
see "Keyboard shortcuts" on page738.
File Menu
New...: Opens the New (Select a Wizard) dialog. You can choose from the Email, Print or
Web Template Wizards. See "Templates" on page304.
Open: Opens a standard File Open dialog. This dialog can be used to open Templates
and Data Mapping Configurations. See "Templates" on page304 and "Data mapping
configurations" on page101.
Open Recent: Lists the most recently opened Templates and configurations. Clicking on
a template will open it in the Designer module, clicking on a Data Mapping Configuration
will open it in the DataMapper module.
Close: Closes the currently active Data mapping configuration or Template. If the file
needs to be saved, the appropriate Save dialog will open.
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