
Table Of Contents
File: Load optional keystore properties file. Could be used to store the password in
a file.
Designer Script API
In Designer templates, every bit of information can be tailor-made, using scripts. When Connect
generates actual output letters, web pages or emails -, it opens a record set and merges it
with the template. It takes each record, one by one, and runs all scripts for it (in a specific order,
see "The script flow: when scripts run" on page660).
Most scripts can be made using one of the Script Wizards (see "Personalizing Content" on
However, when you want to do more than what you can do with a Wizard, you may write a
script yourself. If you are not familiar with writing scripts, please read "Writing your own scripts"
on page624 first.
All scripts in the Designer have to be written in JavaScript.
If you don't know JavaScript, the many examples given in this API will help you get started.
It is worth the effort, however, to familiarize yourself with the JavaScript syntax. For a simple
script all you need to know can be found on the following web pages:
http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_syntax.asp and http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_if_else.asp.
In the editor window, press Ctrl + Space to see the available features and their descriptions.
Use the arrow keys to select a function or object and press Enter to insert it in the script.
Type a dot after the name of the function or object and press Ctrl + space again to see which
features are subsequently available.
For more keyboard shortcuts, see "Keyboard shortcuts" on page738.
Designer API
The "Designer Script API" on the facing page describes the objects and functions that are
available in template scripts, created inside the Scripts pane. Template scripts change the
contents of sections in a template.
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