
Table Of Contents
Confirm password: Re-enter the password for the server security.
Default session length (min): Enter a session time (in minutes) that the authentication
stays valid for the requested process. This can reduce the number of requests to the
server since an authentication request is not necessary during the session.
This topic provides some important information about uninstalling (removing) PlanetPress
To uninstall PlanetPress Connect select the application from within the Add/Remove programs
option under the Control Panel. This will start the PlanetPress Connect Setup Wizard in
uninstall mode.
The PlanetPress Connect Setup Wizard might take some seconds to appear.
Important Note:Stop any active Anti-Virus software before
uninstalling Connect.
Some anti-virus systems are known to block the uninstallation of MySQL datafiles, as well as
blocking the uninstallation of the MySQLdatabase application itself. Therefore it is highly
recommended that any anti-virus application be stopped prior to uninstalling PlanetPress
Connect, as otherwise the Connect uninstallation might not work correctly.
Impacts upon other Applications and Services
l The Uninstall will terminate the installed Server / MySQL service(s)
l The following applications / services should be stopped in a controlled fashion, before
running the PlanetPress Connect Uninstall:
1. PlanetPress Connect
2. Connect products on remote systems which refer to this MySQL database.
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