
Table Of Contents
Create Output using the above Output Preset. The task's Output Management
must be set to be Through Workflow.
The PlanetPress Image connector task set to Passthrough (the first "Document" on the
list). If sending Email, choose the "Send Email" option of the Output group. Otherwise,
choose Archive Output, ensure the output type is PDF, and optionally fill in the
PlanetPress Search Database tab appropriately.
Generating Email output
The Email context outputs HTML email with embedded formatting to an email client through the
use of an email server. The HTML generated by this context is meant to be compatible with as
many clients and as many devices as possible.
Email Output can be generated in two different ways: from the Designer or via Workflow. In both
cases, email is sent in a single batch for the whole record set.
To test a template, you can send a test email first.
Output, generated from an Email template, can have the following attachments:
l The contents of the Print context, in the form of a single PDF attachment.
l The output of the Web context, as an integral HTML file.
l Other files, an image or a PDF leaflet for example.
Attaching the Print context and/or the Web context is one of the options in the Send (Test)
Email dialog.
To learn how to attach other files, see "Email attachments" on page379.
Before generating Email output
l Decide on the use of an Email Service Provider; see "Using an ESP with PlanetPress
Connect" on page976.
l Make sure that a data set is loaded, that any necessary files, such as images and
attachments, are in place, and that the correct settings are selected (see below).
You may want to rasterize certain elements, such as business graphics. Rasterizing
converts the element to a JPG or PNG image. This is very useful to support as many
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