
Table Of Contents
JSON New Record List
Describes a list of new data records (and their data field values (as name/value pairs)) to be
added as data record entities to either an existing data set or data record entity of a specific ID.
The structure consists of an object with the following name/value pairs:
l records a list of the new data records to be added, consisting of an array of objects
each with the following name/value pairs:
l fields a list of data fields for the data record, consisting of an array of objects
each with the following name/value pairs:
l name the name of the data field (type of string)
l value the value of the data field (type of string)
Specific to the adding of data records to the record data table of an existing data set entity, an
additional name/value pair is included:
l datasetid the data set entity identifier of parent entity (type of number)
Specific to the adding of nested data records to a data table of an existing data record entity,
two additional name/value pairs are included:
l recordid the data record entity identifier of parent entity (type of number)
l table the data record entity data table name (type of string)
The following are examples of this structure:
"datasetid": 12345,
"records": [
"fields": [
"name": "ID",
"value": "CU00048376"
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