
Table Of Contents
Uploading a Job Creation Preset to the File Store 135
Uploading an Output Creation Preset to the File Store 141
Working with the Entity Services 147
Finding Specific Data Entities in the Server 148
Finding all the Data Sets in the Server 180
Finding the Data Records in a Data Set 183
Finding all the Content Sets in the Server 187
Finding the Content Items in a Content Set 190
Finding all the Job Sets in the Server 195
Finding the Jobs in a Job Set 198
Working with the Workflow Services 201
Running a Data Mapping Operation 202
Running a Data Mapping Operation (Using JSON) 209
Running a Data Mapping Operation for PDF/VT File (to Data Set) 216
Running a Data Mapping Operation for PDF/VT File (to Content Set) 222
Running a Content Creation Operation for Print 228
Running a Content Creation Operation for Print By Data Record (Using JSON) 234
Running a Content Creation Operation for Email By Data Record (Using JSON) 241
Creating Content for Web By Data Record 251
Creating Content for Web By Data Record (Using JSON) 257
Running a Job Creation Operation (Using JSON) 263
Running an Output Creation Operation 269
Running an Output Creation Operation (Using JSON) 276
Running an Output Creation Operation By Job (Using JSON) 284
Running an All-In-One Operation (Using JSON) 292
REST API Reference 308
Authentication Service 318
Service Handshake 319
Authenticate/Login to Server 320
Service Version 322
Content Creation Service 323
Service Handshake 325
Process Content Creation 326
Process Content Creation (By Data Record) (JSON) 328
Process Content Creation (By Data) (JSON) 330
Create Preview PDF 332
Create Preview PDF (By Data Record) 334
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