
Table Of Contents
string) of the output creation preset
l createOnly flag to specify if output is to be only created in the server and not sent
to it's final destination (type of boolean)
Specific to the use of all processes (and their parameters), an additional name/value pair can
be added to restrict the print output to a set of specific records in the input data:
l printRange print range configuration parameters, consisting of an object with a single
name/value pair:
l printRange the range of records in the data file to output (type of string)
Specific to the use of all processes, but with the omission of the config job creation
configuration parameter, an additional data mapping parameter can be added to the
datamining object:
l persistDataset parameter to specify if data record entities are to be created/persisted in
the server during the data mapping process (type of boolean)
The following are examples of this structure:
"identifier": "Promo-EN-1000.csv",
"config": "Promo-EN.OL-datamapper"
"config": "letter-ol.OL-template"
"config": "4567"
"config": "5678",
"createOnly": true
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