
Table Of Contents
Test Print Server URL. This button is only available for the General Print Preferences. It
tests the Print Server URL settings made within that Preferences page.
l Restore Defaults. This option restores the preferences to Defaults. This applies to the
current Preferences page only, but not other Preferences.
Apply: This option Applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Saving Preferences
The saving preferences are a way control if and how often PlanetPress Connect saves your
work in the background, and if how many backup files it creates when you save the template or
data mapping configuration. See also: "Saving a template" on page359.
Auto Save
After a template or data mapping configuration has been saved for the first time, Connect
Designer can auto save it with a regular interval.
Enable: activate the Auto Save function.
Interval (minutes): enter a number of minutes, e.g. 3 to auto-save the template or data
mapping configuration every 3 minutes.
Auto Backup
Connect Designer can automatically create a backup file when you manually save a template
or data mapping configuration. The Auto Save function does not cause backup files to be
Enable: activate the Auto Backup function.
Revisions to keep: Enter the maximum number of backup files. When the maximum is
reached, Auto Backup will overwrite the oldest file.
Destination: Select the directory in which the backups should be stored.
Original: the directory in which the original file is stored.
Other directory: use the Browse button to select another directory.
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