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A function used as a test for each element in the set. Filter() passes the iteration index and the
current element to the callback function. In the scope of the callback function, this refers to
the current element.
The selector of the following script is li (list item), so the results object contains all list items in
the template. The scripts filters the third and sixth line items from the results, taking advantage
of the index that is passed to the filter function, and colors them red. It uses the modulus
operator (%) to select every item with an index value that, when divided by 3, has a remainder
of 2. (The index starts counting at zero.)
results.filter(function(index) {
return index % 3 === 2;
}).css( "background-color", "red" );
Returns a subset of a set. All elements matching the selector will be included in the result.
The difference between results.filter(selector) and query(selector, results) is that
query() searches throughout the entire results while filter() only takes the top-level elements
into account.
A String containing a CSS selector. See http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp
for CSS selectors and combinations of CSS selectors.
The selector of the following script is tr (table row), so the object results contains all rows in
the template. The scripts filters all even rows from the results and colors them red.
results.filter(":nth-child(even)").css("background-color", "red");
Performs a deep search for textToFind in the children of each element, and returns a new result
set with elements that surround the occurrences.
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