
Table Of Contents
Job size
Connect lets you define job sizes by setting the maximum number of records in a small job,
and the minimum number of records in a large job. Jobs that are neither small nor large are
medium sized. (Note that the term 'records' refers to top-level records only. Detail records are
not considered.)
Determining the size of small, medium and large jobs is important because you can assign
more resources to medium and large jobs via the settings for Merge and Weaver engines.
There is no recommendation to make for the number of records in a small, medium or large job.
This setting needs to be based on an assessment of the actual (or expected) workload of
Connect. Job size is a relative concept: in a small service company a job may be considered
large when it counts 1,000 records, whereas in a large insurance company the same job may
be seen as small. Also take into account that jobs with fewer records could actually be medium
or large if each individual record outputs 10,000 pages.
To set the job sizes:
Select Window > Preferences... from the menu.
Under Scheduling, enter the maximum number of records in a small job. Note that small
jobs always get just one engine, so they should be easily handled by one engine.
3. Enter the minimum number of records in a large job. The number of engines used for
medium and large jobs is configurable (see below).
Click OK or Apply.
Running a job as fast as possible
Number of parallel engines per Print job
Two or more engines of a kind can be combined to work on the same Print job. Generally jobs
will run faster with more than one engine, because sharing the workload saves time.
However, running one job with multiple engines reduces the number of jobs that can be
handled at the same time by that kind of engine, because there are only so many engines (and
speed units) available.
To select a number of parallel engines per Print job size:
Select Window > Preferences... from the menu.
Under Scheduling, select Merge Engine.
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