
Table Of Contents
Refer to the amChart documentation for more information on the numerous configuration
options available.
NOTE:As a consequence of changes in both the user interface and the underlying technology,
Business Graphics made with a version prior to PlanetPress Connect 2018.1 may not display
correctly when opened in version 2018.1. See the Business Graphics: Backwards
Compatibility section on this page for full details.
Welcome Screen improvements
The Welcome screen layout has been redesigned and streamlined to simplify navigation and
improve access to Connect resources, including current license details. (SHARED-61377)
Connect and Workflow version numbering changed
We have changed the version numbering system. From here on in the version will be year
based, with the second number showing the major release and subsequent numbers showing
minor releases. The intention is to have two major releases a year, with minor releases in
between to address specific customer issues.
2018.1 is the first of the two planned major releases for 2018. The second will have the version
number 2018.2. Any minor releases between the two major releases will be labelled 2018.1.n,
where "n" is a numeric counter. Thus the first minor release would be 2018.1.1 and the second
would be 2018.1.2, and so forth. (SHARED-60069)
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