
Table Of Contents
Job Output Mask improvements, to simplify working with output file names
We have improved the way that output file names can be specified. A new dialog box has been
added to the Print Wizard, to simplify the creation of Job Output Masks. While it is still possible
to directly type a file name with placeholders in the Output File Mask box, it is now also
possible to use the dialog to pick the metadata fields and other variables that can be used to
create dynamic file names. (SHARED-12173)
A typical use case for using place holders in an Output File Mask is while generating PDF’s for
archiving purposes. This can require generating one PDF per document and often the files
have to be named in a meaningful manner, by using an invoice number in the file name for
instance. This requires one to define the invoice number as metadata in a Job Preset and then
this metadata field can be used in the Output File Mask of the output preset. In addition, the
Separation setting of the Output Preset has to be set to separate at the document level.
So the next time you need a dynamically generated output file name like inv-
${document.metadata.InvNumber}.pdf or ${document.metadata.ID}-${system.time,'yyyy-
MMM-dd'}.${template.ext}, you can use this dialog to help you get what you need.
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