
Table Of Contents
Merge\Weaver Engines when Printing
The print operation in the Designer will automatically detect whether the Merge\Weaver
engines are available and display a message for the user to retry or cancel if not. Once the
Merge\Weaver engine becomes available and the user presses retry the print operation will
proceed as normal. This message can also occur in the following circumstances:
l If the server is offline and you are not using Proof Print
l On some occasions before the Print Wizard opens
REST Calls for Remote Services
The Server will now accept REST calls for all remote services and will make commands wait
indefinitely until the required engines become available. The Server will log when it is waiting
for an engine and when it becomes available. Note that there is no way to cancel any
commands other than stopping the Server.
Print Content and Email Content in PlanetPress Workflow
In PlanetPress Workflows Print Content and Email Content tasks, the option to Update
Records from Metadata will only work for fields whose data type is set to String in the data
model. Fields of other types will not be updated in the database and no error will be raised.
This will be fixed in a later release.
VIPP Output
Some templates set up with landscape orientation are being produced as portrait in VIPP. It can
also sometimes be the case that text and images can be slightly displaced. These are known
issues and will be addressed in a later release of Connect.
Print Limitations when the Output Server is located on a different machine
The following limitation may occur when using the Print options from a Designer located on a
different machine to the Output Server:
l The file path for the prompt and directory output modes is evaluated on both the client
AND server side. When printing to a network share it must be available to BOTH the
Designer and Server for the job to terminate successfully.
l The Windows printer must be installed on both the Server and Designer machines.
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