
Table Of Contents
Alternatively, drag & drop the selected fields into the Data Model pane.
In a PDF or Text file, use the Drag icon to drag selected data into the
Data Model.
With this method, a new Extract step will only be added to the extraction workflow
when no Extract step already present on the Steps pane. Otherwise the field/s will
be added to the selected Extract step or to the one that was last added.
Dragging data into an existing field in the Data Model will replace the data. The
field name stays the same.
Drop data on empty fields or on the record itself to add new fields.
Special conditions
The Extract step may need to be combined with another type of step to get the desired result.
Data can be extracted conditionally with a Condition step or Multiple Conditions step;
see "Condition step" on page196 or "Multiple Conditions step" on page199.
l Normally the same extraction workflow is automatically applied to all records in the
source data. It is however possible to skip records entirely or partially, using an Action
step. Add an Action step in a branch under a Condition step or Multiple Conditions step
(see "Action step" on page200) and set the type of action to Stop Processing Record
(see "Text and PDF Files" on page279).
To extract transactional data, the Extract step must be placed inside a Repeat step. See
"Extracting transactional data" on page175.
Fields cannot be used twice in one extraction workflow.
Different Extract steps can only write extracted data to the same field in the Data Model,
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