
Table Of Contents
Add Case Step: Adds a Case condition under the selected Multiple Conditions
Ignore Step: Click to set the step to be ignored (aka disabled). Disabled steps are grayed
and do not run, neither in the DataMapper nor when the data mapping configuration is
executed in Workflow. However, they can still be modified normally.
Delete Step: To remove a step, right-click on it and select Delete step from the contextual
menu or use the Delete button in the Toolbar. If the step to be deleted is Repeat or
Condition, all steps under it will also be deleted.
Copy/Paste Step: To copy a step, right-click on it and select Copy Step or use the
button in the Toolbar. If the step is Repeat or Condition, all steps under it will also be
placed in the clipboard. To paste the copied step at its destination, right-click the step in
the position before the desired location and select Paste Step, or use the button in the
Step properties pane
The Step Properties pane is used to adjust the properties of each step in the process. The pane
is divided in a few subsections depending on the step and the data type. It always contains a
subsection to name and document the selected step.
Step properties may also depend on the data sample's file type.
l "Preprocessor step properties" on the next page
l "Settings for location-based fields in a Text file" on page274
l "Text and PDF Files" on page279
l "Text and PDF Files" on page286
l "Condition step properties" on page291
l "Left operand, Right operand" on page294
l "Text file" on page297
l "JavaScript " on page302
Page 268