
Table Of Contents
Name: The name of the field. Click the field name and enter a new name to rename the
If you intend to use the field names as metadata in a PlanetPress Workflow
process, do not add spaces to field names, as they are not permitted in metadata
field names.
Value: Displays the value of the extract field in the current Record.
Remove button : Click to remove the currently selected field.
Move Up button : Click to move the selected field up one position.
Move Down button : Click to move the selected field down one position.
Action step properties
The Action step can run multiple specific actions one after the other in order; see "Action step"
on page200 for more information.
The properties of an Action step become visible in the Step properties pane when the Action
step is selected on the Steps pane.
This subsection is collapsed by default in the interface, to give more screen space to other
important parts.
Name: The name of the step. This name will be displayed on top of the step's icon in the Steps
Comments: The text entered here will be displayed in the tooltip that appears when hovering
over the step in the Steps pane.
This subsection lists all actions executed by the step, and their types.
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