
Table Of Contents
The file properties can also be used in scripts; see "template" on page1094. If you are not
familiar with writing scripts, refer to "Writing your own scripts" on page689.
Sharing a template
To share a template, you can send the template file itself, or save the template to a package file,
optionally together with a Data Mapping Configuration, a Job Creation Preset and an Output
Creation Preset. (See "Job Creation Presets" on page932 and "Output Creation Settings" on
page943 for more details.)
To create a package file, select File > Send to Workflow and choose File in the Destination
box. For the other options, see "Sending files to Workflow" on the facing page. The package file
has the extension .OL-package and can be opened in the Designer (see "Opening a package
file" on page359).
Exporting a template report
A template report can be used for archiving purposes or to provide information about the
template to people who do not have access to Connect. Such a report can be exported in PDF
or XML format. By default it contains a summary of the template with an overview of all the
settings and resources that are used in the template: media, master pages, contexts, sections,
images, scripts etc. The file properties are included as well (see File Properties).
To open the Export Template Report wizard, select File > Export Report. For a description of
all options, see "Export Template Report wizard" on page745.
Creating a custom template report
The Export Template Report wizard also offers the possibility to export custom template reports
(in PDF format only). A custom template report could contain another selection of information
and present that differently, e.g. with the logo of your company.
To create a custom template report, you need two files:
l A template design with the desired layout and variable data. This .OL-TEMPLATE file has
to be made in the Designer.
l A data mapping configuration that provides the variable data. You could use the data
mapping configuration made for the standard template report, or create another one in the
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