
Table Of Contents
Outputting and combining contexts
All three contexts can be present in any template and they can all be used to output documents;
see "Generating Email output" on page1123, "Generating Print output" on page1104 and
"Generating Web output" on page1131.
They can even be combined in output.
If present in the same template, a Print context and a Web context can be attached to an Email
Outputting other combinations of contexts, and selecting sections based on a value in the data,
can be done via a Control Script; see "Control Scripts" on page711.
Adding a context
To add a context, right-click the Contexts folder on the Resources pane and click New print
context, New email context or New web context. Only one context of each type can be
present in a template. Each context, however, can hold more than one section; see "Sections"
Deleting a context
To delete a context, right-click the context on the Resources pane and click Delete.
No backup files are maintained in the template. The only way to recover a deleted
section, is to click Undo on the Edit menu, until the deleted section is restored. After
closing and reopening the template it is no longer possible to restore the deleted context
this way.
Sections are parts of one of the contexts in a template: Print, Email or Web. They contain the
main text flow for the contents. In each of the contexts there can be multiple sections. A Print
context, for example, may consist of two sections: a covering letter and a policy.
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