
Table Of Contents
On the Resources pane, expand the Print context; right-click the Print section, and click
Sheet configuration.
Optionally, check Duplex to enable content to be printed on the back of each sheet. Your
printer must support duplex for this option to work. If Duplex is enabled, you can also
check Tumble to duplex pages as in a calendar, and Facing pages to have the margins
of the section switch alternately, so that pages are printed as if in a magazine or book.
If the option Same for all positions is checked, the same Media will be applied to every
page in the print section. Uncheck this option.
4. Decide which Media should be linked to each sheet position: click the downward pointing
arrow after Media and select a Media.
5. Optionally, decide which Master Page should be linked to each sheet; see "Master
Pages" on page404.
When both Media and a Master Page are used on a certain page, they will both be
displayed on the Preview tab of the workspace, the Master Page being 'in front' of the
Media and the Print section on top. To open the Preview tab, click it at the bottom of the
Workspace or select View > Preview View on the menu.
Dynamically switching the Media
In addition to applying Media to sheets via the settings, it is possible to change Media
dynamically, based on a value in a data field, in a script. The script has already been made;
you only have to change the name of the Media and the section in the script, and write the
condition on which the Media has to be replaced.
On the Resources pane, expand the Contexts folder, expand the Print context, right-
click the print section and click Sheet configuration.
2. Decide which pages should have dynamically switching media: every first page in the
Print section, every last page, one of the pages in between (a 'middle page'), or a single
page. (Uncheck the option Same for all positions, to see all page positions.)
In the area for the respective sheet position, click the Edit script button next to Media.
The Script Wizard appears with a standard script:
results.attr("content","Media 1");
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