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HTMLemail challenges
Creating HTMLemail isn't like designing for the Web. That's because email clients aren't like
web browsers. Email clients pass HTML email through a preprocessor to remove anything that
could be dangerous, introduce privacy concerns or cause the email client to behave
unexpectedly. This includes removing javascript, object and embed tags, and unrecognized
tags. Most preprocessors are overly restrictive and remove anything with the slightest potential
to affect the layout of their email client. Next, the HTML has to be rendered so that it is safe to
show within the email client. Unfortunately, desktop, webmail, and mobile clients all use
different rendering engines, which support different subsets of HTML and CSS. More often than
not, the result of these operations is that they completely break the HTML email's layout.
Designing HTML email in PlanetPressDesigner
The problem of HTML email is that preprocessing and rendering engines break the HTML
email's layout. HTML tables, however, are mostly left untroubled. As they are supported by
every major email client, they are pretty much the only way to design HTML emails that are
universally supported. That's why Tables are heavily used to position text and images in HTML
Nesting tables (putting tables in table cells) and applying CSS styles to each table cell to make
the email look good on all screen sizes is a precision work that can be a tedious and
demanding. Connect's Designer offers the following tools to make designing HTML email
Email templates: Slate and others
The most obvious solution offered in the Designer is to use one of the templates provided with
the Designer; see "Creating an Email template with a Wizard" on page419. The layout of these
templates has been tested and proven to look good in any email client, on any device and
screen size. The Tables in these templates are nested (put inside another table) and they have
no visible borders, so readers won't notice them.
Click the Edges button on the toolbar to make borders of elements visible on the Design
tab. The borders will not be visible on the Preview tab or in the output.
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