
Table Of Contents
Select a template and click Next. If you don't know what template to choose, see below;
the characteristics of each kind of template are described further down in this topic.
3. Make adjustments to the initial (or last used) settings. The options for each type of
template are listed below.
Click Next to go to the next settings page if there is one.
Click Finish to create the template.
The Wizard creates:
l An Email context with one section in it. The section contains dummy text and one or more
selectors for variable data, for example: "Hello @first@". You will want to replace those
by the names of fields in your data. See "Variable Data" on page669.
The Invoice email template also contains a Detail Table; see "Detail Table" on page683.
One script, named "To". Double-click that script on the Scripts pane to open it. This
script ensures that the email is sent to an email address that is specified in a data field
called "email-to". After loading data or a data mapping configuration, you can change the
script so that it uses the actual field in your data that holds the customer's email address.
See "Email header settings" on page428
l A style sheet, named context_htmlemail_styles.css, and another style sheet depending
on which Template Wizard was used. The style sheets can be found in the Stylesheets
folder on the Resources pane.
The Wizard opens the Email section, so that you can fill it with text and other elements; see
"Content elements" on page522, "Email context" on page422, and "Email templates" on
Use the Outline pane at the left to see which elements are present in the template and to
select an element.
Use the Attributes pane at the right to see the current element's ID, class and some other
Use the Styles pane next to the Attributes pane to see which styles are applied to the
currently selected element.
Page 420