
Table Of Contents
You can add as many data fields to the subject as you like. When you do add more than one
data field, the existing Subject script will be modified to include all data fields that are added to
the subject.
The result of the script will be visible in the Subject field in Preview mode: click the Preview tab
at the bottom of the workspace.
By default, the Subject script targets one email section specifically. You can see this
when you double-click the script on the Scripts pane. The selector of the Subject script
contains the name of a particular email section, for example: html[section="Content"] (in
this case, Content is the name of the email section). If you remove the html[...] part from
the selector, the script will work for all email sections.
Subject scripts made with earlier versions of the software are not specific to one email
Writing a custom Subject script
The default script replaces all @field@ placeholders in the subject line with field values. This
script can be modified, for example to create a subject that depends on the value of a data field.
Open the Script Wizard (see "Using the Email Script Wizard" on page429), click the Expand
button and modify the script.
If you don't know how to write a script, see "Writing your own scripts" on page689 first.
A Subject script created by clicking Subject in the Email Fields always targets one email section
specifically. Remove the html[...] part from the selector of the script to make the script work
for all email sections.
Recipients: To, CC and BCC
To specify recipients for Email output, you can simply drag and drop a data field that contains
an email address into the To field at the top of the workspace. A new script, named To, will be
added to the Scripts pane.
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