
Table Of Contents
The required properties file has the following attributes:
l Comment Lines, starting with # (e.g. # The options to configure an external database)
l Key = Value pairs (e.g. install.product.0 = Connect Designer)
For supported keys, please refer to the next paragraph.
install.properties file notation must follow commons configuration rules. Please refer to
Properties files for more details.
Required and optional properties
Required properties depend on the specified product. Only fields related to that specified
product must be entered. If no product is mentioned, properties must be specified for all valid
Connect products.
Here is an example of an install.properties file.
# Verbose logging
logging.verbose = true
# Product selection
install.product.0 = Connect Designer
install.product.1 = Connect Server
# Server settings
server.runas.username = Localadmin
server.runas.password = admin
# Database configuration
database.type = mysql
database.host =
database.port = 3308
database.username = root
database.password = admin
database.schema = my_ol
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