
Table Of Contents
Use the Styles pane next to the Attributes pane to see which styles are applied to the
currently selected element.
Click the Edges button on the toolbar to make borders of elements visible on the Design
tab. The borders will not be visible on the Preview tab.
Using JavaScript
COTG plugin
Capture OnTheGo widgets do not function without the COTG plugin:cotg-2.0.0.js. This plugin
also makes it possible to add COTG Elements dynamically, set defaults for COTG elements,
react to events that occur when a user interacts with a COTG element, etc. For more information
see: "Using the COTG plugin: cotg-2.0.0.js" on page499.
For COTG templates created with a COTG Template wizard, lots of features are already
available through the Foundation framework; see "Using Foundation" on page477.
The Foundation JavaScript files and style sheets are only added automatically when you start
creating a COTG template with a template wizard; see "Capture OnTheGo template wizards"
on page473.
Other JavaScript files
You may add other JavaScript files, libraries and frameworks to a template, to enhance your
Capture OnTheGo Forms; see "Using JavaScript" on page460.
Testing the template
A Capture OnTheGo (COTG) template will be used to create a form that can be downloaded,
filled out and submitted using the COTG app. Before starting to actually use the template, you
will want to make sure that it produces a form that looks good and functions as expected. How
to preview the form, how to submit data and how to preview the submitted data is described in
another topic: "Testing a Capture OnTheGo Template" on page492.
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