
Table Of Contents
l ja-JP (Japanese, Japan)
l zh-CN (Chinese, China)
l zh-HK (Chinese, Hongkong)
l zh-MO (Chinese, Macau)
l zh-TW (Chinese, Taiwan)
l it-IT (Italian, Italy)
l pt-BR (Portuguese, Brazil)
l es-419 (Spanish, Latin America)
Locale selection by defining user.language and user.country
If both user.language and user.country are defined in the install.properties file, the
combination must match exactly one of the supported locales, otherwise the Installer will exit
with an error.
For example, user.language = fr and user.country = CA will cause an error since fr-CA is not
in the list of supported Locales.
Locale selection by defining only user.language
If only user.language is defined in the install.properties file, the Installer will attempt to find a
Locale in the list which starts with the given language code. The first match is selected for
installation. If no match is found, the Installer will exit with an error.
For example:
user.language = zh, will result in an installation with the Locale zh-CN
user.language = no, will result in an error
Default Locale selection
If neither user.language nor user.country is defined in the install.properties file, the Installer will
select a default Locale:
1. If the System Locale is in the list of supported Locales, it will be selected.
2. Otherwise, if there is an entry in the list of supported Locales, which matches the System
language, it will be selected (e.g. on a fr-CA system, fr-FR is selected).
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