
Table Of Contents
An Encryption Type (enctype):
application/x-www-form-urlencoded: Default. All characters are encoded
before they are sent. Spaces are converted to "+" symbols, and special
characters are converted to ASCII HEX values.
multipart/form-data: No characters are encoded. This value is required when
you are using forms that have a file upload control.
text/plain: Spaces are converted to "+" symbols, but no special characters are
Changing a Form's validation method
In Connect PlanetPress Connect, there are two ways in which a Form's input can be validated:
The Browser validation method leaves it up to the browser to validate the user input.
When adding fields to the Form (see the next step) you can only make fields required and
set the maximum length as an additional requirement for some fields.
JQuery Validation validates input using JQuery scripts. This allows for stricter
requirements per field and a different message for each field to display to the user if the
input is not valid. This method ensures a more consistent validation, as it is browser
independent. The necessary JQuery files will be added to the JavaScript folder on the
Resources pane when this option is chosen.
To change a Form's validation method:
Right-click on the Form element and choose Validation settings.
2. Choose a validation type (see above).
3. Double-click each field in the list to edit their validation settings:
Required: Check if the field is required to submit the form. If a field is required but
contains no data, a message will be shown to the user.
Minimum length: Enter a numerical value for the minimum character length
required for this field.
Maximum length: Enter a numerical value for the minimum character length
accepted for this field.
Equal to: Use the drop-down to select another field that is already added to the
same Form. The contents of both fields must match for the data to be validated. This
is useful for confirmation fields such as for passwords, email addresses etc.
Which of these options are available depends on the validation method of the form: with
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