
Table Of Contents
On this tab you can view and edit the content of the template in the form of plain text with HTML
tags (note the angle brackets: <>). You may add and edit the text and the HTML tags, classes,
IDs and other attributes.
To learn more about HTML, see for example https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Introduction and http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp.
Many video courses and hands-on courses about HTML (and CSS) are offered on the Internet
as well, some for free. Go, for example, to www.codeschool.com or www.codeacademy.com
and look for HTML (and CSS) courses.
What you can't do with CSS
In Connect, it depends on the output channel what can and cannot be done with CSS. CSScan
only be used to its full potential with HTML output. Animation and transition features won't work
in Print output, obviously.
Included Cascading Style Sheets
When you create a template, a number of style sheets is automatically included:
l One style sheet that applies to all document types: context_all_styles.css.
l One or more style sheets specific to the context (Print, Email, Web). For example, when
you create an action email using the Wizard, the files context_htmlemail_styles.ccs and
basic_email_action.css are automatically added to the Stylesheets folder on the
Resources pane.
l A style sheet that defines default styles for tables: default.css. It contains the styles that
you can choose from when you insert a table via the Insert menu or the Insert table
toolbar button.
Do not change the default.css style sheet. Use the global style sheet or the style
sheet for the relevant context to define your own styles for tables.
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