
Table Of Contents
PDF/VT file options
After selecting a file, use the drop-down to select what level in the PDF/VT file defines a record
in your data. The names of the levels are taken from the PDF/VT file itself. (See "About PDV/VT
files" below.)
All metadata fields that belong to the chosen level and levels higher up in the tree structure will
be listed. The lower the chosen level is in the tree structure, the more records you will get and
the more metadata fields will appear in the list.
Select metadata fields to add them to your data. Their property names will be used as field
names in the Designer's data model.
About PDV/VT files
The pages in PDF/VT files can be grouped on several levels. PDF/VT files can have a variable
number of levels in their tree structure. The level's names are variable as well, with the
exception of the lowest level, which is always called the page level. Metadata can be attached
to each level in the structure.
AFP file options
After selecting a file, use the drop-down to select what level in the AFP file defines a record in
your data. The levels are defined in the AFP file itself. (See "About AFP files" below.)
All metadata fields that belong to the chosen level and higher levels in the tree structure will be
listed. The lower the chosen level is in the tree structure, the more records you will get and the
more metadata fields will appear in the list.
Select metadata fields to add them to your data. Their property names will be used as field
names in the Designer's data model.
About AFP files
Pages in AFP files are arranged in a tree structure, comprising one document at the top of the
structure, pages at the bottom of the structure and one or more levels of page groups in
between. (Unlike in PDF/VT files, the names of levels in AFP files can not be chosen freely.) In
other words, an AFP file always consists of one document, that can contain page groups, of
which each can be divided in page groups, and so on; the page groups at the lowest level
contain pages.
Metadata can be attached to each level in the structure.
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