
Table Of Contents
that have the class 'green'. See "Styling and formatting" on page614 for an
explanation about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
An HTML element with a specific ID. In the Script Wizard, click Selector and
type the ID, including the preceding #, for example: #intro.
n Etcetera. See http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp for more
selectors and combinations of selectors.
A selector and text. This is text inside an HTML element (or several HTML
elements) with a specific HTML tag, class or ID. In the Text Script Wizard, click
Selector and text and type the selector and the text in the respective fields.
Click the the downward pointing arrow in the first row in the column Field. Select a data
field from the list that appears.
Add a Prefix and/or a Suffix. The prefix and suffix can contain text and/or HTML tags. If a
field is empty, the prefix and suffix will be ignored, which means you can add line returns
and static text, such as:
l with a Number field, Prefix: Your invoice (one space at the end), Suffix: is now ready
to be viewed!
l with a field LastName, Suffix <br/> (which adds a line break)
l with a field State, Prefix: , (comma then space).
For a comma between fields, use the Prefix of the second field, if you don’t want a
comma when the second field has no value.
6. The Wizard allows you to reformat the data (for example, apply uppercase, apply
thousand separators to numbers, etc.). Click the column Format, click the downward
pointing arrow and select one of the formats, or Custom Pattern to enter a custom pattern.
See "Formatting variable data" on page675.
7. Add as many data fields as you need, following the same procedure.
Optionally, you can click Options to specify where and how the script inserts its results:
As HTML. HTML elements in the results are processed and displayed as HTML
elements. For instance, <b>this is bold</b> will be displayed as this is
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